Beautiful Pink Santa, I purchased from the sweet and talented Celeate @ Celestina Marie Designs, you can find her link on my side bar :)

He has such beautiful details!!!

Just look at his cute rosy chubby cheeks!!! sooooo sweet :)

Love the beautiful soft fluffy roses Celeste hand painted......

Cute welcome sign on a snowman, I purchase from another Talented lady Rebecca @ a gathering place, you can click on her link on my side bar to check out her beautiful items!!

Sweet rose bud on his top hat....sweeetttt.....

How cute is he....haha!!!

Hello Bloggerettes, I am dreaming of a pink Christmas again.....
I wanted to share some recent purchases, from two very talented ladies!!
The first is a very beautiful Pink Santa, I purchased from the very sweet and talented Celeste @ Celestina Marie designs. Please feel free to click on her link on my side bar :)
I just adore her work, the love she puts into all of her items shows in all the attention to detail she adds :)
Next is also another beautiful and talented lady, Rebecca @ a gathering place! You can also click on her link on my side bar :)
I fell in love with her sweet snowman and just had to have one of my own, I was sooo happy when I contacted her to see if she had another one for me as the one she had on he site sold, when she told me she did, I was soooo over the moon happy....
These two very sweet and talented ladies are a pleasure to do business with....
If you have not visit these wonderful ladies yet, please feel free to click on their links on my side bar and be whisked away.....