Pretty pink Valentine day tree :)

Pink and white Valentine heart bow!!!

Valentine ornies and roses :)

Pink sparkly hearts!!!!

heart and arrow topiary's ;)

Pink ribbon rose........

Dusted with glitter........

What do you think, do you likey???

My very romantic boot.....sweet huh???

Gorgeous paper roses......

Hello Bloggerettes, sorry I have been m. i. a, but honestly I have been under the weather since the holiday's are over, oh well I guess I just have a touch of the holiday blues.....
Well on to happier things, never one to dwell
I have been decorating a little for another favorite holiday of mine..... Valentines day, its the day my dear hubby and I got engaged ;) My engagement ring is shaped like a heart.....yeap you read it right girlies my diamond is shaped like a heart. ;)
ok moving on, I took my sweet pink tree, you might remember it all dressed up for Christmas??? if not just scroll down to the bottom of this page!!! I just changed out the decorations for Valentines ornaments, I already had.....
I made the bow for her crowing glory, with pretty white ribbon that has tiny pink hearts, that I purchased at Micheals.....
The topiary's are heart shaped with arrows, I can't remember where I found these, but I just love them, I just stuck them into my golden urns and for no money have a new look......
I have also been playing around with some of my shoes, the first one, I just added a pretty pink ribbon rose I made myself, not so bad for the first time making one, what do ya think????
The next is a boot I have had for a couple of years, I just added the pretty roses, I did not make these roses, they are from Rhonda her link is on my side bar, if you would like to browse her shop!!! added the beaded trimming and whaaalaaa....... I am so pleased at how she turned out!!
well my bloggy gal pals, I hope you are all having a great beginning to the new year....
Blessings to all...