Cute hatching chicks....

These sweeties are sitting pretty on my fireplace mantle.....

And these guys too.....hence the post title....lol....

I found these guys at Michaels....are they not tweet....;-)

More cute fluffy yellow chicks on my compote.....

Pretty egg glitter garland and my paper rose's simple but pretty...

Meet queen B.....I added the tiny crown to her little head......

She is watching over her precious eggs.....

Some of my pretty jars on top of my buffet, one is storing candy covered almonds, and the one behind is holding some pretty faux pink glitter carrots, I found these at the 99 cent store.....

Cute bunny baby cloche.....

Love this new Easter egg......
I decided to go easy on my Easter decor this year, I'm still trying to continue to feel well, but no more attic hunting for me...lol.....the hubby won't allow me up there unless he is home to help me.....so I did what I could with his help, but after a day of it he deemed it done, and so did I! To be honest I do get scared to go up into the attic with out someone holding my hand! What a big baby I am......lol......
I hope you enjoy your visit, I know I enjoyed your visit and sweet comments!