Purchased this gorgeous frame from eBay...

Just gorgeous for my new and long awaited Christie Raspasy painting....

Love the pretty details on the frame ;)

Just look at the the pretty roses and ribbons........

hung this show stopping beauty above my mantle...

For along time now I have been wanting a painting from the very talented artist Christie Raspasy, so for my b~day I finally got one, I fell in love with this painting it just spoke romance to me.....
I just love the life like roses the pretty pink ribbon, just perfect for this romantic gal....heehee
I was thinking I would paint the gorgeous frame in a soft white, but I'm loving the gold, so for now I will keep it this way,I just love how antique it looks....
Please don't hate me, but I'm getting tired of white, white, white......
I love color.....
Don't get me wrong I love white just like the rest of you :) but I just need color in my world......
I hope you have a great weekend, and please take time to smell the roses as all to soon summer is gone and the fall will set in, which is by far my very favorite time of year :)
Big smiles~