She wasn't as pretty as she is now, I change out all of the prisms for the french cut ones, I also had to change the light sleeves and gave her a good cleaning. Can you see the pink chain cover peeking out?

Sorry for the poor pics but it was has been raining and gray out today.....

Loving all the yummy prisms.........

For a while now I have been hunting for a new chandelier, but they seem to be out of my price range :-(......but while browsing on ebay I came across the beauty you see above, so I sweet talked the hubster to gift her to me for christmas and he of course did...:-)......I added the french cut prims and chain for more glam and sprakle and I'm just loving how beautiful she looks in my dining room, wow what a difference a chandelier makes.
Thanks for your visit, I appreciate your comments~